Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 End of Year Review

Last year I did this review and I thought it was a good way to review the year so I will do it again this year. 

Describe 2021 in one sentence. 

2021 seemed like a very long year with lots of ups and downs. 

  1. What’s one way your life has changed for the better? I learned to slow down and enjoy life more. 

  2. What is the biggest challenge you faced? Teaching my first online class. 

  3. What would you go back and change (under your control) and why? Decluttered more. I seemed to have accumulated more. 

  4. What major life lesson did you learn? People don’t want to really know what I think unless I am agreeing with what they think. 

  5. List your Aha moments. Teaching an online class is fun. 

  6. Did you achieve your goals this year? Most of them but I could have done better.

  7. If so, how? Reviewing my goals on a monthly basis is most effective for me.

  8. If not, why? I didn’t seem to have the willpower to eat less. 

  9. Set just one primary goal for 2022 using S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-sensitive) Lose at least 5 lbs.

How was your year? Please share. 

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