Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Too Good to Be True

“If it sounds too good to be true, it is.”

Too many times I’ve had my parents tell me that they got some interesting information in the mail. They wanted to ask me if I thought whatever offer they got was a good one. Of course, I saw it for the scam it was, but they couldn’t see it. I tried to remind them of the lessons that I was taught as I grew up. Nothing in life is really free and if it sounds too good to be true, it is. It is at times like this that I’m thankful that they don’t use a computer!

I have had my students talk about things they have seen or heard about on TV that they want to take advantage of and I use this opportunity to have them work on some critical thinking skills. We talk about advertising strategies that many companies use and try to determine which was used that got them hooked. I’m not saying that buying the product they like is bad, but I want them to buy it with open eyes and not fall for any gimmicks that later will disappoint them.

I also think that sometimes we believe something because we want something to be true. Unfortunately, this sometimes gets us in trouble. That is why it is good to encourage students not to act impulsively and talk things over with someone else who has a different perspective and can be unbiased. I was recently shopping for a new iPhone and I thought I knew what I wanted but after talking it over with my husband, he asked enough questions to make me stop and reevaluate what I wanted. After more discussion and research, I decided I didn’t want my original item but instead wanted something different. I had been so caught up in the hype and excitement that I really didn’t do enough research into what I needed vs. what was promoted.

Encourage students to stop and think carefully before making any important decisions.

What old advice would you offer to help people make decisions? Please share.

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

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