Wednesday, October 10, 2018


“A mistake is something you learn from… you did it wrong, you’ll do it better next time.”

It is important to know that mistakes happen, and no one is perfect. This is important when we are critical of others, especially those in the public spotlight. We need to remember that even people that we view in high regard are not always perfect. Sometimes we see celebrities in the spotlight and imagine that they have a perfect life but in reality, no one’s life is perfect.

In the same respect, we need to remember that we aren’t perfect either. Sometimes I get so frustrated when I make a mistake because I don’t like to make mistakes. Sometimes I feel depressed or disappointed in myself and sometimes these feelings are so strong, that I feel paralyzed by my feelings.

I need to accept that I’m not perfect and quit beating myself up over my mistakes.

I need to learn from my mistakes and think about how to correct my mistake. Then I need to learn why I made that mistake, so I don’t repeat it. Making mistakes is not the problem/ The problem is when I keep repeating the same mistake.

This is an important thing for my students to learn. I need to teach them not to be so hard on themselves. Many of them feel like they have lost before they have even begun. This feeling of failure before they even start keeps them from trying.

For so many years, they have felt like failures so getting them to try and accept their mistakes as learning opportunities are not going to be easy. This makes several occasions of repeated conversations and encouragement to get them to be willing to take the risk. Yes, making mistakes can be disheartening but it should not be devastating.

It is important that I help the students how to analyze their mistakes and try to find out why they made them. It is this knowledge that will help them from making the same mistake again.

How do you help your students accept and learn from the mistakes that they make? Please share.

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