Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Halloween Activities

Before long, it will be Halloween and students will be excited. Rather than try to fight them on the excitement, I like to plan some activities around Halloween. Here are some suggestions.

Language Arts:

Cut out large pumpkin shapes from orange construction paper. Have the students decorate the pumpkins with markers or crayons. Cut out a smaller version of these from white construction paper.  Have students write a story on the white shape and glue it to the undecorated side of the pumpkin.

Writing Prompts:
·      My favorite Halloween Costume
·      My Name is Peter/Penelope the Pumpkin…
·      The Scariest Costume
·      A Scary Story

Cut our pumpkin shapes from orange construction paper and pumpkin stems from green construction paper. On the pumpkins, write math equations and on the stem, write the answers.
Have the students match the pumpkins with the correct stem. You can even make it self-correcting by labeling them with matching numbers on the back.

Write Halloween themed math word problems.

Have students do price comparison shopping for pumpkins. Have students figure out the cost per pound. Have students find the cost of multiple amounts of pumpkins.

Social Studies:

Find out the origin of Halloween.

Find out if other countries celebrate Halloween and how do they celebrate it.


Make orange slime with cornstarch, water, and food coloring.

Make a sizzling cauldron using food coloring, baking soda, and vinegar.

These are just a few activities that students enjoy. There are many other activities that you can find online.

What is your favorite Halloween activity for the classroom?  Please share.

Photo by Bekir Dönmez on Unsplash

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