Thursday, October 27, 2016

Under Rose-Tainted Skies – Book Review

I recently read Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall. I am not being paid for this review.

I thought this was a great book! The story is about a high school age girl, Norah who suffers from agoraphobia and OCD. It really gives you a great look at what is going on when someone suffers from this. I also think it helps others learn what not to say to someone who suffers from this and what things you can say that may be helpful. Rather than ostracizing someone who suffers from this because you feel so helpless, this book actually helps let you know the best way to interact with someone with this illness. I never realized how hard it is and what someone might be feeling when they have this illness. I also think it was great to see that just because Norah suffered from this, she was able to have a relationship with someone and that her future was not bleak and lonely.

I would highly recommend this for a high school library. There is some profanity but I think high school age students could handle it. I think this would be a great book for students to read because they may actually know someone who may suffer from this illness. It would give them great insight on what someone might be going through and how they can have a relationship with them. There may be a someone who is going through this illness and may read this book and realize that they are not alone.

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