Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer Learning Place 2015 Week 3

Week 3 went well at Summer Learning Place. Students were used to our routine and the teachers were getting into their groove. I observed a lot of great lessons also. I really enjoyed the younger students using food as manipulatives (froot loops, cheez it) for math lessons.

The one exciting thing that happened was that a parent didn’t pick up her child on time. In fact, she was about 70 minutes late. I called the number we had on file and realized that she listed the same number for her phone and her emergency number. I was afraid she had been in an wreck or something happened at home. Of course the little 7 year old was pretty worried too. She finally arrived at the time I was dialing the Sheriff’s Office. The next day we made sure that we had emergency number(s) for every student. In the future, I will check the files and have the teachers verify that we have at least 2 working numbers for each student.

I’m really pleased at how well the program is going this year. All of the teachers work very well together. I can’t believe how quickly this month has gone by and that this week is our last week!

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