Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Things Could Be Better

In “Could be better” from Seth Godin's Blog, Seth Godin

“Instead, when we care enough to say, “could be better,” we’re putting ourselves on the hook to create.”

Every day I try to do at least one thing to improve my quality of life. This could be doing some cleaning, some decluttering, some home improvement, or even yard work. I want to do at least one thing that could make my life better.

This is something that I want to have my students learn. They are always capable of doing something that could make things better for themselves. It doesn’t matter what their academic ability is, there is always something that can be done to improve things.

Just doing at least one thing every day, can help my mood and my outlook on life. It makes me feel productive and valuable. Students can feel the same way. As a role model, I can show them how I do this and how it can affect my life.

What do you do to make things better for yourself? Please share.

Photo by Hoang Le on Unsplash

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