Thursday, March 8, 2012

Presentation Ideas

presentationEvery summer we have a wonderful tech conference for teachers put on by my school district and it is absolutely free. I would like to present at this conference (edited to add: each session is about an hour long) and I try to do this every year because I feel that is my way of giving back. My problem is that sometimes I see the same stuff every year and I don’t want to do the same as everyone else. I need your help and some ideas.

In the past I have done presentation on Strategies working with Special Ed Students, Wikis, Voicethread, and QR codes. There have been numerous presentations by others on IPods, IPads, podcasting, kindles, nooks, blogging, Google, and internet safety.

Here are some of my ideas but I’m not sure they are presentation worthy. These are ideas but not titles. Keep in mind that the people who attend (on a scale of 1-10 rating of experience with technology) can be 1-10. There are many beginners, many who know how but never use any technology, and those who do use technology.
1. Building a personal/professional learning community (many people still don’t do this!)
2. Differentiated Learning - where to start and how to plan
3. Skype in the Classroom - how to get it, use it and why
4. Bullying - have students make videos to teach about standing up to bullies.

Would any of these sessions appeal to you? Are there any technology topics you would like to see at a conference? Please let me know because I really want to do a presentation that people would find useful.

Image: 'presentation skills'


Sioux Roslawski said...

I don't know how long the sessions are, but if they're long enough to teach how to make a digital story--through Powerpoint or Photostory 3 (a free download) might prove appealing. Teachers could be taught how to teach their students how to make a "story"--either a memoir or a historical piece--using photos and text and their voice and music.

Anonymous said...


I like this post:

You create good material for community.

Please keep posting.

Let me introduce other material that may be good for net community.

Source: College teacher interview questions

Best rgs

loonyhiker said...

@Sioux Thanks for the suggestion! Each session is about an hour long.

Prudy Jo's Technology SpEd Blog said...

Each year I teach a beginning technology class to teachers. A fellow teacher and I are also in the process of planning our class. We teach it through our teaching coop.
The past three years we have focused on Microsoft programs. Most of the teachers who take our class do not know basic computer skills. It surprises me each year!

This year we are focusing half a day on review of Microsoft programs (Maybe 3/4 of a day). We are spending half a day on "what do do with the internet in your room" Another half a day on "newest gadgets" and then the last part of day two will be them working on a lesson for credit.
OH, we are also tieing in the Common Core standards and we give plently of time to "play" with everything they learn.

I would say which ever topic you choose make sure you give plently of time to work in a group and discuss. Also try to tie in technology.
I like your idea about bullying. There is so much about cyber bullying going on right now. I follow a SpEd Law blog. He has many on bullying. I have attached his link below. Maybe you could use some information. (Scroll down his blog to find the Bullying ones. He gives great resources as attachement links)