Thursday, January 19, 2023

National Pie Day

January 23 is National Pie Day! This day was created by a teacher in Colorado in 1975. He loved pies so much that he declared his birthday as the day to celebrate pies. He even wanted birthday pies instead of birthday cakes. In 1986, the American Pie Council began sponsoring this day.

Written recipes for pies go back as far as ancient Roman times. They filled their pies with fruits, meats, and seafood. The oldest pie recipe uses goat cheese and honey. The Greeks their pies with meats, fruits, and honey. During the Middle Ages, pies were filled with meats and vegetables. The dough in pies kept the filling from drying and made it easier to transport. Usually, the dough was inedible and people just ate the filling. The PIlgrims and English settlers brought pies to America. Pumpkin pie and pecan pie were popular during the 17th century. Soon they started making pies with whatever ingredients they had.

My favorite pie is apple pie. My husband like pumpkin pie and pecan pie.

Here are some prompts to use with students:
  • Do you like pies? Why or why not?
  • What is your favorite pie and why?
  • Create a new pie with your favorite filling.
  • Draw a poster promoting National Pie Day.
What other prompts would you use? Please share.

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