Thursday, January 12, 2023

Happy National Pharmacist Day

January 12 is National Pharmacists Day. Pharmacists dispense medicine, provide advice, and even give vaccines. This day was probably founded by pharmaceutical organizations that wanted to show their appreciation for pharmacists.

There are over 300,000 pharmacists in America and they are very important to the healthcare system. This profession is considered one of the most trusted professions in America.

In Egyptian times, priests were also doctors, and many prepared medicines to treat their patients. During the time of ancient Greece and room, the professions of doctor and pharmacist became separate. Pharmacists used to make medicines themselves until World War II. At that time, the pharmaceutical industry was created. Medicine was made in factories and pharmacists filled prescriptions.

Take time to thank your pharmacist for the great job they are doing.

This would be a great day to do some research into being a Pharmacist.
  • What education requirements are needed to be a pharmacist?
  • What average salary does a pharmacist make?
  • What are the pros and cons of being a pharmacist?
  • What hours does a pharmacist work?

What other questions would you ask? Please share.

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