Thursday, March 3, 2022

Street Food

“The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Video) series of posts are written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts.”

In Celebrating Street Food, Rushton features four street food finds in Delhi, India.

He gives the following prompts to accompany this video:

“What do you learn about Delhi? The narrator tells you several things, such as the population, but what do the images tell you?

What would the images of your town tell others about your community?”

I confess to being a food snob but some of these items actually interested me. It was also fun to look at the background and learn a little about the area. As Rushton mentions, it made me think about what my area says about our population. I think it would be fun to put students into groups and have them pick an ordinary dish and have them come up with a variation. Then have them share their idea with the class.

Please check out the video and think of other prompts you might come up with. Please share.

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