Thursday, March 17, 2022

Seeing Through Another’s Eyes

“The NVIV (Next Vista Inspiring Video) series of posts are written by Rushton Hurley and designed to provide students and teachers with fascinating discussion prompts.”

In Seeing Through Another’s Eyes, Rushton features a video showing different people in a hospital and what they are thinking at that moment.

He gives the following prompts to accompany this video:

  • “If someone says something to you that you don’t like, how would you normally respond?
  • If that person were dealing with something like the people in the video are dealing with, would you respond differently?
  • How can you know?”
What a great video! We never know what someone else is going through! One time I was at the store and this woman was a little rude and let me know I was in her way so she couldn’t get what she wanted. I was a little shocked and then apologized to her (even though I was irritated because I was looking for something just like she was.) Then all of a sudden, she stated that her husband was terminally ill and on hospice so this was the first time in a week that she had left his side. That put the whole situation into perspective and I talked with her a few minutes more. She thanked me for listening and said this was the first time she talked about her situation to anyone in a week. It reminded me that we never really know what other people are thinking or what they may be going through and I should be more patient with others. This would be a great lesson for students.

Please check out the video and think of other prompts you might come up with. Please share.




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