Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Reading Lists

I have a Goodreads account and I log in the book I’m reading, the date when I’m done, and rate it. I also have a list of books that I want to read in the future. I’ve also connected with others who tend to read the same type of books that I do so when I’m looking for a book to read, I can glance at their lists for suggestions.

In August, I read 9 books. Four of the books were from a murder mystery series by Karin Slaughter. There are ten books in the series and so far I’m really enjoying the ones that I’ve finished. Two of them came as recommendations from friends. Two were sent to me for reviews. One was a nonfiction book that I read in order to reach my goal of reading twelve nonfiction books for the year.

I think keeping reading lists would be good to do with students. Older students could have a Goodreads account and follow each other. Younger students could keep a reading list of their own. They could list the book, the author, and rate it on a scale of 1 to 5. Students can get in groups and share the latest book they read and why they rated it the way they did.

Students who like mysteries can be grouped together. Others who like fantasies can be grouped together. Those that like an assortment of things can be in a separate group. These groups can change as student interests change.

When a student begins a book, the class can be asked to see who else has read it and what they rated it.

Different ratings of books can be discussed as partners. If the rating were different, partners can discuss why they rated it that way. This is a great way to have a critical discussion. The class can have a discussion on what they think makes a book “good” and what makes them rate books in a certain way.

Do you have students keep track of what they have read? Do they rate them and share their ratings? If so, please share.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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