Thursday, April 29, 2021


I’ve never been very good at creating things out of Origami but I still like trying. Many of my students enjoy trying it too and it is a great activity for reading and following directions. Students of all ages enjoy making something with Origami. You can adapt the activity depending on the age and ability of the students. Various projects have a different amount of steps so you can start with easy projects and progress to harder ones. Then have students find their own projects to try and show off to the class. It is essential that you first try the projects you are going to have the class make so you can show off the finished work. Sometimes it helps to see the actual finished object before starting.

Here is a great animated video about a young boy who wants to make a dragon like his grandfather. Students would enjoy seeing this:

Here are some helpful sites to use:

Origami Instructions - a variety of projects to make

Top 10 Simple Origami Projects for Beginners

Easy Origami Instructions


Origami Butterfly

Origami Turtle

Origami Hummingbird

Do you like Origami? What do you like to make? Have you done this with your students? What advice would you give? Please share.

Photo by Carolina Garcia Tavizon on Unsplash

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