Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Thanksgiving Activities

On November 28, the US celebrates Thanksgiving.  It is a time to be thankful for the blessings we have in our lives. I thought it might be good to think about activities you can do with students leading up to this holiday.

Gratitude journal – Every day, write one or two things you are thankful for.

Pumpkin – Blow up a balloon so it is a round shape. Pour liquid glue into a disposable plastic container. Cut large pieces of orange yarn and put it in the glue. Once it is covered with glue, place it on the balloon until it in a design that you like. Use green yarn for the stem. After covered in glue, coil it up and put it on the top of the pumpkin. Let all the yarn dry overnight. Once it is dry, you can pop the balloon and you will have a pretty pumpkin.

Leaves – Cut out leaf shapes in reds, yellows, and orange construction paper and let students write things that they are grateful for on it. Cut out the trunk of a tree and put it on a bulletin board or wall. Add the leaves to the tree.

Turkey Tracks – Use pipe cleaners and create turkey feet. Then dip in paint and make turkey tracks on paper.

Operation warmth – collect gently used coats, hats and mittens to donate to a homeless shelter.

Pinecone Turkeys – Add googly eyes. Use tissue paper or construction paper for the feathers.

Rock art – Decorate large rocks. Use a permanent marker to write what they are grateful for and then draw a picture of it.

Feather sorting – Using a bag of skittles, cut out construction paper feathers in the colors of the skittles. Have students sort out the skittles to the matching feathers.

What other activities would you suggest? Please share.

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