Monday, January 15, 2018

Back of the Book Blurb #93 Challenge

From Sioux's PageSioux offers this challenge.

She posts a picture and you need to imagine it as a graphic for a book. You choose the genre and book title, and then write a blurb that might appear on the back of the book.

The blurb should be 150 words or less (not including the title). The genre is wide-open.
Each blogger should include their blurb on their own blog, and link back to this post. Have fun with it. Go to the other posts and comment on the other blurbs.  You can do fancy techy things with the photo.

(Join in if you dare...! It sounds like fun! I think this would be a lot of fun to do with students especially since they would be expected to write 150 words or less!)

On a Mission

Anya was found alone at the airport in Los Angeles. There were no adults with her and she would only say her name was Anya.

When asked where she was going and why she was there, she showed them her flyer about Peace. She had left home because she felt it was her mission to talk to the world about Peace. She said she wouldn’t go home until she had touched people in all corners of the world. She had a mission and no one would stop her.

When Child Services were called, the authorities looked around and Anya was gone. No one had seen her slip away. Now the whole city was looking for her. Would they find her before something terrible happened to this sweet child? Or would she get her message of Peace out to the world as she hoped? (143 words)

1 comment:

Val said...

I like this angle! She DOES look like she could be in an airport. Let's home Anya has a guardian angel to look out for her while she spreads peace.