Wednesday, September 16, 2015

8 Years!

I started this blog 8 years ago on 9/16/2007.

I never thought I would have continued doing this for 8 years.  I think I’m addicted to it.

I was afraid that I wouldn’t know what to talk about. Boy, was I wrong! But those who know me know that I never have trouble talking!

I didn’t know how many friends I would make through blogging.  I have so many online friends and even met some of them in person.

I didn’t realize how blogging would help me grow professionally and personally. Growth should happen until the day we die otherwise we become stagnant. And stagnant water stinks.

I hope I continue this for many more years and that I still enjoy it as much as I do now.

Thanks for reading and being my friend!

1 comment:

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Happy birthday to your blog! 8 years - that means a lot of perseverance and belief into your work.

Greating from Austria

Oliver from