Monday, December 26, 2022

Hurry vs. Rush

In Don’t rush from Seth Godin's Blog , Seth Godin shares,

“Hurry puts it up on our priority list. Hurry gives us urgency and focus.”

Rushing causes mistakes. These mistakes are careless errors because they can be avoided.

Too many times I see my students rushing through their work. They make careless mistakes because they are in a hurry to get their work done. They want to get it done because they know they won’t get permission to do anything else until the required assignment is done. Yet, they rush through it without worrying about the quality of work they are doing.

I learned to put additional requirements in my directions. When I tell them they need to complete an assignment before doing something else, I also mention that quality is important too. They must make corrections to all their mistakes before it is considered complete. Sometimes it takes a while before they learn that they should just work on getting the right answers rather than waste time putting any answer down and then having to continually go back to correct it. There is a lot of grumbling, but I remain firm and refuse to give in. Once they know that I won’t change my mind, they go back to doing the work.

They also learn during this time that if they need help, it is easier to ask me for help than to sit and get frustrated with the work. I don’t give them the answer but I help them look for the answer.

Over time, they learn that quality is as important as getting an assignment done in the required time

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