Tuesday, December 29, 2020

End of Year Review

In End of Year Review by Plant Based Bride, she asks 10 questions. I used her 10 questions to review my year.

Describe 2020 in one sentence. (2020 has been a year of unexpected results.)
  1. What’s one way your life has changed for the better? (I did a lot of things around our house that I’ve been putting off for a long time.)
  2. What is the biggest challenge you faced? (Teaching a graduate course online that involved teachers teaching small children reading, math, and writing.)
  3. What would you go back and change (under your control) and why? (I would have started this plant-based diet earlier in the year.)
  4. What major life lesson did you learn? (I can't trust the media to tell the truth at all.)
  5. List your Aha moments. (Plant-based diets really help me lose weight. I need to eat smaller portions if I want to lose weight. Just exercising won’t help me lose weight.)
  6. Did you achieve your goals this year? (Most of them)
  7. If so, how? (Reviewing my goals on a monthly basis.)
  8. If not, why? (One goal was almost impossible to achieve and I didn’t know it when I set the goal.)
  9. Set just one primary goal for 2020 using S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time sensitive) (Lose at least 5 lbs.)
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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