Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Teaching Online: Parts of Speech

I am currently teaching a practicum class online and we run a virtual school program. I am learning a lot of things and want to share some tips along the way.

When teaching online, I notice the students are more engaged when movement is involved and less when worksheets are involved.

One of the teachers was teaching adjectives and I was thinking of fun ways to practice parts of speech. Let’s face it, parts of speech lessons are boring anyway but they are a necessity for communication.

One day, the teachers with the youngest class had a scavenger hunt. They called out a letter and the students had to run and get an item in their home that began with that letter. You could substitute the word letter with the word noun. Have the students find a noun that begins with a specific letter.

You could also do the same activity with adjectives. Find something that could be described by an adjective such as blue. (Other adjectives could be other colors, big, small, tiny, dirty, ugly, beautiful etc.)

One activity you can do involves movement. The teacher reads a sentence very slowly. The student starts off seated. f a noun is mentioned, the students stand up. If a verb is mentioned, the students sit down. If an adjective is mentioned, the students wave their arms in the air.

Another activity like the one above that involves movement but less whole body and just hand and arm movements. The teacher reads a sentence very slowly. The students make an N letter by holding 2 fingers on one hand down in an upside-down V when a noun is mentioned. The students hold their 2 fingers up in a V shape when a verb is mentioned. The students make an N letter by holding 2 fingers on one hand down in an upside-down V and then use their other pointer finger to go across the V to make a letter A when an adjective is mentioned

What other activities would you suggest? Please share.

Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

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