Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Teaching Different Learning Styles Remotely

While many school districts are trying to decide what school will look like in the fall, there are many different options that they could choose. Some of the options on the table are continuing to be totally online to partially online. So, I thought it would be a good time to look at how we can teach to different learning styles remotely.

Auditory Learners:
  • Find audio files online that go with your topic. Use audio or video to introduce the lesson.
  • Help students find settings on their computers that will read text aloud to them.

Visual Learners:
  • Find videos that match your topic. Use videos to introduce the lesson.
  • Share your screen so these students can see what you are referring to.
  • Show examples of what you are talking about.
  • Model on the screen what you want students to do.

Tactile Learners:
  • Ask parents to gather the materials needed before the lesson.
  • Use manipulatives to help students understand new skills.
  • Have students draw something showing their understanding.

Kinesthetic Learners:
  • Allow students to stand while online.
  • Encourage parents to give the student something to hold and manipulate while focusing on the lesson.
  • Make a song and dance about your topic and teach the students.

Make sure that you use various strategies so that you aren’t focusing on one learning style more than others. If students understand that all of the lessons won’t be taught in one style, they will be more patient with trying styles that are not their most favorite way of learning.

Sometimes the learning style may differ according to the skill be learned so have a variety of strategies will have a better chance of reaching all learners. I might be a visual learner when it comes to cooking but I might be a tactile learner when it comes to knitting.

Have students give input and suggestions for activities that they might like to do with the subject. The more interest and input they have, the more engaged they will be in the lesson.

What other suggestions do you have for teaching to different learning styles online? Please share.

Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

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