Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Paper Wife

I recently read Paper Wife by Laila Ibrahim.  I am not being paid to give this review.

A young girl pretends to be this young man’s paper wife in China and travels to California to start a new life. It gave me a new understanding of what my father might have gone through when he traveled to America for the first time alone as a young boy around the same time as this story takes place. It helped me understand what China was like during this time and a lot of the customs and traditions that were practiced. Hearing what people went through to be allowed into the United States was very enlightening. I also understood what America might have seemed like for someone new during that time.

I would highly recommend this book for high school students learning about other cultures and all adults who are interested in Chinese/American history. This could open discussions for tolerance, tradition, family relationships, starting a new adventure, and facing adversity.

If you have read this book, what do you think? Please share.

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