Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Science Fun

It is getting near the end of the year and I know how hard it is to hold students’ attention for long. The weather is turning warmer after a cold winter, new growth is happening outdoors. Birds are singing and life is abounding!  I found out that it is best to give them activities that involve movement and exploration rather than quiet time and a lot of silent reading.

Activities I like to do involve science experiments. Usually the experiments involve reading, math, and science so they are good learning experiences. There are several ways that I can handle this in class. In each case, I would give them time to list the supplies and equipment that they will need. Then I would have them read through the directions to make sure they understand what they will need to do and how much time they will need to do the experiment.

·      I can pick an experiment and have the class do it all together.

·      I can assign different experiments to specific students according to their ability level.
·      I can pair up students and have them do specific experiments.
·      I can allow the students to look at different websites and have them choose the experiment that they would like to do. This may take more than one class period. They need one to explore the experiments and choose what they want to do.

The last step I think is most important. I want to know what they have learned from the experiment. Just doing the experiment is not enough. I can have them write their observations and what they have learned down in a journal. If this was not a whole group activity, I would ask each student or team to share with the class what experiment they did, what procedure they followed, and what did they learn from it.

Here are some sites that have great ideas for science experiments.

Science Experiments for Kids – “Science experiments you can do at home! Click on the experiment image or the view experiment link below for each experiment on this page to see the materials needed and procedure. Have fun trying these experiments at home or use them for SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT IDEAS.”

Science Bob – “Here’s list of great science experiments with instructions that you can do right at home or at school. In order for your science experiment to be safe and successful, be sure to:
Get your parent’s or teacher’s permission, and their help
Follow the directions as written”

Science Kids – “ you're looking for some fun science experiments for kids then you've come to the right place. Check out our free experiments section, full of fascinating hands-on experiments that are a great way to enjoy the world of science.Learn interesting science and technology facts by experimenting with different materials that react in surprising ways. You'll find a lot of experiments can be done using simple ingredients found around your house (with adult supervision of course). Basic materials can help you perform experiments that are simple, safe and perfect for kids. Enjoy our fun science experiments, make cool projects with easy ideas for children, show friends & family what you've discovered and most importantly, have fun!”

Kidspot – “Simple science experiments you can do at home with your kids are a fun way to introduce children of all ages to basic scientific concepts. Find easy science experiments now with easy to follow step by step instructions.”

Red Tricycle – “Thanks to common household ingredients, some ingenuity and our guide, these classic science experiments for kids make any day exciting. And we’ve rated each experiment from one to five sponges so you know the messiness factor ahead of time. Scroll down to get busy!”

Coffee Cups and Crayons – “Doing simple science experiments at home or in your classroom is the easiest way to teach kids to be problem solvers and critical thinkers and help them develop a curiosity about the world around them. These skills empower kids to be confident in their ability to handle life’s challenges which is a life skill that cannot be overrated! Plus, they are a ton of fun to do and a great way to make memories with your family. Ready to get started? Here are some of our most popular and very favorite science experiments for kids to do!”

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last site - Crayons and Coffee is linked incorrectly. Here is the correct link - https://www.coffeecupsandcrayons.com/