Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Interactive Learning

Recently I’ve gone to a couple of movies that have given viewers a MOVIEBILL. This MOVIEBILL is an interactive movie magazine. When I have Wi-Fi (to save on the data plan on my phone), all I had to do was download an app on my phone and then open it to view each page in the magazine. The magazine comes alive! Some pages have video, some have live things that pop off the page, and even some of the ads are interactive. It is so much fun and we really enjoy looking at every page. I have one for the Marvel Avengers and one for Jurassic Park.

After looking at these, I wondered why I couldn’t make learning more fun like that for students.
I could either make my own booklets on specific topics or I could let the students be the “experts” on their favorite topics and make their own books to share.

This would be such a fun learning experience for everyone, including me.

I have found Metaverse that looks like educators use it in the classroom. I think I would try using this and making a small lesson to see how it works.

I would love to have an interactive lesson using the following topics:

·      Knitting
·      Spinning yarn
·      Hiking
·      The Swamp Rabbit Trail
·      The Appalachian Trail
·      Hiking equipment and supplies
·      My favorite flowers
·      My town
·      My state
·      My country

What topics would interest you? Please share.

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