Monday, February 12, 2018

Back of the Book Blurb #96 Challenge

From Sioux's PageSioux offers this challenge.

She posts a picture and you need to imagine it as a graphic for a book. You choose the genre and book title, and then write a blurb that might appear on the back of the book.

The blurb should be 150 words or less (not including the title). The genre is wide-open.
Each blogger should include their blurb on their own blog, and link back to this post. Have fun with it. Go to the other posts and comment on the other blurbs.  You can do fancy techy things with the photo.

(Join in if you dare...! It sounds like fun! I think this would be a lot of fun to do with students especially since they would be expected to write 150 words or less!)

Love in Their Hearts

Brad and Ellie had always wanted to have pets. No one understood that even though they were legally blind, they had a lot of love in their hearts. They tried humane shelters and pet stores, but everyone judged them incapable of taking care of pets.

Finally, Brad took matters into his own hands. He loved Ellie and he wanted to make her happy so one day, he put a Have-a heart trap out to catch an animal. He didn’t care what he caught but he was going to make it their pet.

The next day there was a rat in the trap. They called him Stuart and took care of him until he was finally eating out of their hands. Soon, they caught another one to be company with Stuart. Before they knew it, they had loads of pets to love and care for.  

Then the community found out. (149 words)

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