Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10 DIY Halloween Costumes

Sometimes it is hard to be creative but if you don’t want to just buy a store-bought costume, here are some suggestions for Halloween costumes that I found online or from Instagram pictures. You will have to buy some materials to make these though.

Lego costume – Get a cardboard box that will fit over your body. Cut out the head and armholes. Leave the bottom open for the body. Get 6 plastic containers and trace their outline on the box in 2 straight columns. Cut out the holes a little smaller than the outline. Push them through from the inside and duct tape them down. Then paint the whole outside in one color.

The Brawny Guy – Wear a red flannel plaid shirt. Carry a roll of Brawny paper towels.

Bag of M&Ms – Get a black plastic bag and cut out holes for head and arms. Tape pictures of Eminem or the name all over the bag.

Christmas Tree – Wear a green shirt and attach Christmas lights on all over it. Add ornaments if you want to add them. Wear a star on top of your head.

Computer Mouse – Decorate a box as a computer. Put a strap around so you can wear it in front of you and hang from your neck. Make some mouse ears and attach to a headband. Use makeup to give yourself whiskers.

Travel bug – Attach maps to your clothes. Curl pipe cleaners to a headband for antennas.

Unicorn – Wear glittery clothes. Make a horn out of cardboard and attach elastic to it. Wear the horn on your head.

Rosie the Riveter – Wear blue jeans and a blue denim shirt. Get a red bandana and wear in your hair.

Artist – Make an artist’s palette on foam board using construction paper for colors and a paintbrush. Put a strap in it so you can wear it around your neck. Wear black.

Ceiling fan – Get a black box. Make a hole for the head and arms. Leave bottom open for body. Make ceiling fan blades out of construction paper or foam boards and attach the small end to the box at the neck opening. . Get a small square white box and attach it to the top of a black bicycle helmet.

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