Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Promoting Reading

What other ways do you promote reading to your students?

I like to leave interesting books out around my desk. Students get curious and are attracted by the cover or the title and will tend to look at them if I don’t say anything. Then they will ask questions and maybe be motivated to read it.

I do the same thing with magazines about a topic that may interest some of my stubborn readers.

Sometimes I ask students for suggestions of books to read. I might write all the titles on an index card and when I’m ready to read something new, I will have a student pick a card out of the hat to choose what I will read next. Students are excited when I read a book that they recommend.

Sometimes students have to read a novel for another class and I like to read along with them. They like this so if they have questions or don’t understand something, they can ask me and not feel awkward in their other class.

I also like to read books aloud to my class. No matter what age, they seem to enjoy it. I have read aloud to elementary, middle, and high school classes. I love to hear them groan when I stop at an exciting point and they can’t wait to come back to hear more!

So now I will ask my readers, what do you do to promote reading? Please share.


Earth Wactor said...

These are all awesome ideas for promoting reading! I especially like that students are not being forced to read, but are given the opportunity to have a say in the reading material. This, in turn, will make reading more enjoyable and approachable. It will promote reading in the world outside of the classroom. As a pre-service teacher, I have had two experiences that might be useful for promoting rereading. When reading class novels, it is a fun idea to have the students keep up with a daily journal. While at the internship, it seemed that the students had a lot of fun putting the journal together, and writing journal entries. In these entries, the students would draw visuals of what happened in the section that was read that day, predict what will happen next, or write the section that was read from a point of view of another character. The students loved sharing their work! Another suggestion might be to rewrite stories for students who want to read stories that are more advanced. For instance, if a student wants to read a book that is well above his/her reading level, the teacher can rewrite it by using simpler words that the student will understand. Although rewriting might be difficult and time consuming, it promotes reading and keeps the student interested.

loonyhiker said...

@Earth Wactor I love the journal idea! That is a great way to promote reading. Thanks for sharing this!

As for rewriting, you reminded me that there are many graphic novels out there. One year, the general ed class was reading The Scarlet Letter and my class read it as a graphic novel. My students were excited because they could join in the discussions at lunch when someone mentioned it.

David Geurin said...

Pat, I enjoyed your response to my post 11 Simple Ideas to Promote Reading No Matter What You Teach. Great ideas! Asking students to recommend books to you is excellent. And reading to students is always a positive way to model and promote reading. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. I really enjoyed it!