Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fun Winter Activities

As I mentioned previously, it is easy to get in the winter slump. Here are some activities that your class might find interesting.

Making Snowflakes – it is always fun for students to make snowflakes and decorate the classroom.

Self Correcting Puzzles - You could also make snowflakes with a question written on one and the answer on the other. Put a matching number in the corner of both. Students can check their matches to see if they are correct. This is a great way to practice skills or study for tests.

Make Ice Cream without a machine. Involves lots of shaking. Check out this site for detailed ingredients, measures, and directions.

Snow Science – Make your own snow; determine what ingredients make the best snow.

Search for Ice and Snow – Upper grades; online activity

Writing Prompts: – Life as a snowflake, Letter from an Igloo, If I lived in an igloo…, How to Survive in Winter weather, What to do in a blizzard,

Density of Water, Ice, and Snow experiment

Winter Storm Unit

Photo a Week – Take a photo of the same area of the schoolyard every week. Have students keep a journal documenting the changes they see each week. At the end of the school year, make a video of all of the photos and see how the landscape changes over time.

What activities do you think would be fun in the winter? Please share.

Image: 'lumikko 10
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