Thursday, June 27, 2024

Zombie Knitpocalypse 2024

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Day 1: 6/19/2024

We had breakfast at the Hampton Inn and saw another couple who were from Simpsonville. The husband wore a Furman hat on and I had to comment about it. We ended up having an hour-long visit with this nice couple. He played basketball for Furman and worked at Furman.

Then we headed to the Hilton to park and see if we could check in early, but our room wasn’t ready yet. At 11, we met to stuff the goodie bags and were done around 11:30. Don left the antique store to meet us and led us to the Mayo cafeteria. Pam, Anita, and I were his Don-ettes. After lunch, Anita went back to her hotel (Centerstone) and we returned to the Hilton. We were able to check into our room (626) and then I sat with others and knit until dinner time. It was so nice to see so many friends again!

For dinner, Susan, Pam, Don, and I went to Pittsburgh Blues Steakhouse. We shared 4 happy hour appetizers and split the cost. When we returned, I sat and knit in the ballroom until 9 pm.

Day 2: 6/20/2024

Don woke up early and we went to Bruegger’s Bagels for breakfast. Then I worked the registration table until 9 am. Don took Susan and me to the Mayo cafeteria again. We had a healthy lunch and then we walked downtown through Thursdays Downtown and looked at the street vendors. At 1, I went to my class about How to Doodle and it was great. We got a free doodle deck and we were able to cut out paper charts to mix and match them. At 2:15, I was part of the designer showcase with Rachel and Laura. We introduced ourselves at the beginning and then allowed people to walk around the room to look at our samples. Then we had the opening ceremony at 4 pm where I helped give out door prizes and I won one of the door prizes. After that, Don and I went back to Pittsburgh Blue Steakhouse for happy hour. When we returned, I came back to the room to do a little reorganizing before going back to the ballroom to knit. At 7pm, we had smoothies and cookies provided by the hotel and then we had the photo booth.

Day 3: 6/21/2024

Today we went to Bruegger’s Bagels again for breakfast. Then I had the 5K at 9 am but it was pouring down rain so I skipped it. At 10 am, Pam, Anita, and I went to the Yarn Truck Rodeo which was down the street from the hotel. I bought 2 skeins of brightly colored yarn that made me happy. I taught a class on Estonian inlay at 11:15 and it went really well. Everyone seemed to understand what to do and was happy to learn it.. Then at noon, I went to Pam’s class to help her with teaching crochet. At 1:30 pm, we had the bingo game and there were lots of wonderful prizes. After that, there was a stitch marker swap in the afternoon. I relaxed until we took a group picture on the escalator. Then the teachers and coordinators were taken out to dinner at Victorias which was their show of appreciation.. I had pasta with white clam sauce and it was delicious! At 8 pm, our guest speaker was Sam Guerin, a knitwear designer. I was ready for bed by 9:30 pm.

Day 4: 6/22/2024

We went for breakfast at Cheap Charlies (down the road from Hollandberry) and then I returned to the hotel to knit. At 10 am the market opened and it was time to shop for yarn (like I need more?). I bought some wonderful treasures. At lunchtime, Don and I went to Hollandberry Pannekoeken with Pam and Eleanor (and I had two $5 coupons from my goodie bag). We had a big lunch! Don had chopped steak and I had a ribeye. After lunch, I went back to knit with friends until the closing ceremony. I got another Hinza bag given to me. Then I went back to the room until our 8 pm treats.

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