Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 Photo A Day Project

In 2009, I decided to join in the Flickr group that involves taking a photo a day (PAD). I learned a lot about myself in doing this. It was also fun trying to choose the best picture I took that day. Even my husband got involved and helped me look for things. My pictures are in my Flickr set: 2009/365.

I started to look at things in a way that I hadn’t done before. I took a lot of scenery pictures and realized that I needed to get closer. I know that most of my scenery pictures will turn out great but my close ups don’t always do that. They turn out blurry or the color is not right. Then I realized that sometimes I lead my life in the same way. I like to step back and look at the scenery of life instead of getting closer. By getting closer, it means getting committed, being more involved, and taking risks.

I also enjoyed looking at all the pictures of the year because it brought back great memories. Some things I had forgotten and it helped to remind me about some of the good things that have happened.

I learned that I need to lots of photos so that I can choose one out of the bunch. If I only take one that is the only choice I have. Again, that is the way I live my life and maybe I need to branch out. I need to take advantage of more opportunities which involves getting committed, being more involved, and taking risks.

Somehow I got the numbering messed up or I missed some days. I don’t know how all of them aren’t in this group but maybe I forgot to add them. I think I only missed three days so I’m pretty proud of myself.

I will be doing this project again in 2010 at the group: 2010/365 photos. I have some ideas for monthly themes for myself and I hope to be better organized. I have a spreadsheet that I will fill out with the title of each day’s photo so I can keep up with them. I also have a folder that I will keep them in. Maybe this will help me this year and I can actually have one for every day. If you want to give it a try, come join us!

Here is a Flickr sideshow of all my pictures from 2009. Hope you enjoy it!


Karin said...

I enjoyed your photos in 2009 and look forward to seeing 2010 through your eyes as well. I posted 365 photos in 2009 and amazed myself that I stuck to the challenge. I wish I could be that dedicated in other challenges (such as exercise!). I will be doing another 365 in 2010 as I love how it helps me see the beauty around me. Happy New Year!

loonyhiker said...

Thanks Karin. I look forward to seeing your photos. This year I hope to comment more on other people's photos.

Lorena said...

Your photos are great!

Lorena said...

Your photos are great!