At 1pm, we had an appointment with the Wyndham people and we were told this was an evaluation of the program and would last 45 minutes plus we would get $75 American Express gift card. We showed up on time to meet with a man named Jimmy. He left us alone in a small room for about 20 minutes while he found our account number and how many points we had. He proceeded to tell us that my parents wasted their money by only buying points every other year and how by just having one week every other year, we might as well just throw our money in the trash and how stupid this was. When I told him I wasn’t prepared to buy more points until I knew more about the program, he jumped down my throat to tell me that he wasn’t trying to sell me more and to get off my high horse. (Now I’m beginning to feel uncomfortable with him.)
Then we moved upstairs to a big room with lots of tables where people were meeting with sales reps. Jimmy told us to ask him questions and we asked how the program works. He told us that he wouldn’t lie to us and that Wyndham had a policy that if anyone lies, they get fired. He told me that they would contact us but I let him know that they didn’t have any contact information so how could they do this. Then he asked me to give him an email address and phone number. We asked for some written information to look at and he let us see a sample directory. Again he left us for about 10 minutes alone and then returned to ask us what questions we had. We asked for a copy of this book and he said before we left, they would give us a gift and a book. He also told us that it would take 2-3 hours to tell us about the program so we needed to wait until someone contacted us and sent us some information and also look at the book we would get when we left. When I asked him for our member number and contract number, he showed it to me and I wrote them down. Then I verified it on another paper he had and he laughed at me and told me that I was too much of a perfectionist and I needed to calm down. (That did not make me feel very happy with him.)
We sat and chatted for about 30 min. when my stepmom asked him if he could find a way to help us stay in the rooms we were in instead of having to move on the third day. He told us to go downstairs to talk to a woman named Rebecca and she would help us. When my dad asked him if Rebecca was down there today, Jimmy told him that she was. Then he asked what country we were from so I told him my father was born in China. At one point in the conversation, he made fun of the Chinese by pulling his eyes to the side so they could be “slanted.” (I was so offended that I was speechless.) At about 2pm, he leaves us alone again, without telling us where he is going or why he is leaving us. At 2:15 he stops by to say thank you, have a nice day.
Now we have been there for over an hour and we are freezing in this cold room. My 90 year old dad is shivering and he is miserable. Finally at 2:30 (90 minutes from when we arrived), I go to an office where this man is working on a computer and ask him if someone has forgotten us. He goes and gets someone who said he knew about us but he was busy. Then they send us to a room to pick up the gift we were promised. When I ask about the book that Jimmy said we would get, they said there weren’t any books and I had to call a 1-800 number to get one myself. Now we are pretty upset because we sat there for 90 min. and still had no idea how this program worked. We asked several time for Jimmy’s supervisor because obviously Jimmy lied to us but the man refused to get anyone. When my husband said he would complain to the real estate commission and the attorney general’s office about this, the man said that was a waste of time because they couldn’t do anything. We finally left because I didn’t want my father to get upset and have another stroke. Then to top it off, we go to see Rebecca about our room, and we are told that today was her day off ! (Jimmy lied again! Does this mean he will get fired?)
Needless to say, this is not the end of it. I will be contacting some people when I get home. Maybe I am unreasonable and it won’t change the way I was treated, but maybe it will help other people. There was no excuse for the way we were treated. Not to mention that I am paying for a program that I totally do not understand and they refuse to explain it to me but I know they will insist on getting their money each year!
Thanks for listening to me rant. Usually I am easily impressed and needless to say, I’m not impressed with Wyndham. Usually we stay at Hilton and Hampton Inn hotels and now I see why. We have never been treated this way at other hotels. If this hadn’t been a gift, I don’t think I would have bought into this time share. If you are thinking about it, all I can say is run to the nearest door and escape while you can.
Original image: 'YARGHHH!' http://www.flickr.com/photos/95257089@N00/1767258349 by: William A. Clark
Wyndham operates this way everywhere. They condone lying and misleading people with "a free gift," but their whole purpose is to get you into a room and harass you about how stupid you are for not using their product.
Complaining to this guy's supervisor will not get you anywhere because he is doing exactly what he is supposed to.
I know someone who had to take a job there due to becoming unemployed and he told me most people cry in those meetings, but he has to get his sales.
The best option you have is the make a formal complaint to the Better Business Bureau or to file a harassment lawsuit (if you have the time and money, but they count on the fact that you don't).
I'm sorry you got roped into this :(
Ohhhh...myyyy...Sounds like you've tried the right thing to do (take it up with the problematic folks first) and met with no success. Just an idea, could you post a tweet that you have a Wyndham problem & see if a corporate person is monitoring Twitter by chance & will intervene?
What a great story! My wife and I looked into something like this almost 30 years ago. Got the thing in the mail, "two free gifts if you come and see our offer." Of course the gifts were crap from China that didn't have enough quality to sell at Hobby Lobby. So many similarities, especially the big room with all the agents. Exactly, to a tee. Loved the way you shared it too.
Mike Teacher Food
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