Monday, September 2, 2024

Porter’s Creek Trail

(Here is my write about about our trip from last week.)

Click here for pictures.

On the way to breakfast, a bear ran out in front of our car (that makes 4 in two days!) We went to breakfast at the Log Cabin Pancake House and had the special for $11.25 each. It came with eggs, 2 pancakes, bacon, and a drink. I noticed the lunch specials have gone up to $11.95 from the $9.95 from two years ago.

Then we went back to our townhouse and prepped for our hike. We ended up at Porter’s Creek Trail at 9:15 am. We hiked for about 2.5 miles and it was uphill all the way. We finished around noon and then stopped at a place to put our feed in the river. After relaxing for a little while, we went to Food Lion to pick up some red sausages and sauerkraut for lunch.

We saw some flora and fauna along the way.

Things we saw:
  • Maidenhair Fern
  • Christmas Fern
  • New York fern
  • Southern Lady fern
  • America Spikenard (close relative to wild sasparilla)
  • American Jumpseed (aka Virginia Knotweed)
  • Cardinal Flower
  • Beechdrops
  • Solomon’s seal
  • Indian Cucumber
  • Southern Harebell
  • Jewelweed (orange and yellow)
  • mushrooms
  • Caterpillars
  • Millipedes
  • Squirrels
  • Mayfly larva
Our lunch was delicious! We relaxed around the townhouse after lunch.

In the afternoon, we went to the pool and relaxed. The hot tub was nice and hot which relaxed our muscles. The pool was cold when you first got in it but then it was okay. In the evening we watched movies (Days of Thunder, Top Gun, and Guardians of the Galaxy).

Original photos by Pat Hensley

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