Thursday, September 5, 2024

Gatlinburg Trail, Cataract Falls, and more antique malls

(Here is my write about about our trip from last week.)

Click here for pictures. 

When we heard that the air quality was going to be bad after 2 pm, we decided to go hiking early. They warned people to stay inside after 2 pm. We hiked the Gatlinburg Trail while it was cool and not crowded. It was a lovely hike! On the way back we stopped at Cataract Falls. This is the first time that we had the falls all to ourselves! 

After hiking, we headed towards Pigeon Forge and Sevierville. We stopped at Arby’s for lunch; by then it was getting hot and miserable. So, we headed to some antique malls that we missed yesterday. Don found some treasures in both stores but I didn’t find anything. I was happy to knit and listen to podcasts as he shopped. 

After shopping, we decided we deserved to eat some ice cream so we stopped at Baskin and Robbins and had a banana split. It was worth it even though it cost over $20! 

On the radio, we heard about a fire in the park and that Parsons Branch Road and Abram Falls area were closed. They are calling it the Flint Gap fire. 

At 6:30 pm, while standing on our balcony,  we saw a turkey and a black bear in the field across the street. 

We were back at our resort by dinner time. At 7:30, we went downstairs to hear a local fiddler but it was rescheduled for Friday at 6:30. We ended up sitting on the balcony and enjoying the sound of the creek until 10 pm. 

Original photos by Pat Hensley

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