Wednesday, July 14, 2021


(During the summer months, I like to take the A-Z Challenge and come up with words alphabetically and see how they apply to education. I think it’s a great exercise for teachers and students to give this a try.)

We spend a lot of time training our young students to follow directions and do what they are told.

Then we get to a point where we want them to ask questions. Yet, many teachers get irritated when they don’t like the questions that are asked. Some feel the questions indicate that the student wasn’t paying attention or was distracted by something else.

In my class, no question is silly or ignored. If the student didn’t hear something because they were not paying attention, then I will address that behavior and not ignore the question. When they need to ask the question, I know that at that point, they are paying attention.

Sometimes they are paying attention but have not been able to process what they have heard and will need the directions repeated or given in a different way. Giving information a different way may help clarify any confusion. I may even let another student explain it in their own words. This helps me see if the information was understood by others.

I also need to teach my students how to question. This skill was a challenge for me. When I was a student, I didn’t know what questions I needed to ask. By modeling the questioning technique, I can show my students how to use critical thinking in order to ask the appropriate questions.

Once students learn how to ask questions that clarify information, they will become more engaged in the lesson. They will know how to ask questions that are meaningful to them. By asking questions, they will retain the information better. Students are less distracted when they are formulating questions and seeking answers.

By encouraging other students to help answer the questions also opens up lively discussions and enhancing learning for everyone.

How do you teach students to question? Please share.

Photo by Rohit Farmer on Unsplash

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