Thursday, December 12, 2019

Choosing to Learn

“Learning is not the same as education, and busy is not the same as productive.”

I want my students to learn more than I want them to have an education.

I want them to want to learn.

I want my students to be curious about things and want to know more.

Then I want my students to know how to find the information so they can learn what they want to know more about.

From this learning, I want my students to want more.

I want them to want to know more about the subject than what they first find out.

I want them to want to know more about other things that are connected to what they first learned.

I don’t just want to feed them information but rather have them pull information that they need and want.

By wanting to know, I believe that they will learn more and retain more.

I need to put aside my wants and needs and really look at my students wants and needs.

When students are choosing to learn, they are more invested in learning. It is a vicious cycle that will only help them be more successful in the classroom and in life.

How do you help your students choose to learn? Please share.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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