Monday, July 8, 2019

Summer Learning Place 2019

Today begins my EDEX962/963 class which is the practicum for graduate students getting their master’s degree in Learning Disabilities or Emotional Disabilities. Each July, I create a summer school with real students who have learning or emotional difficulties and my students who are the teachers teach the children. I am like a principal where I observe and evaluate the teachers as well as handle any discipline issues with the children.

During the first week, I ask my teachers to come up with three goals they hope to achieve during my class. I like to do this exercise with them.

Here are my goals:

·      I want to share my expertise and knowledge of teaching students with special needs for over thirty years with the teachers. I hope it will help them in their own classrooms when they return to work in the fall.
·      I want to share with them information about my new book, The Successful Teacher’s Handbook, which has been recently released. I hope this information will be useful to them.
·      I want to learn from the teachers about new strategies or techniques that they have researched (evidence-based practices) and are trying in the classroom. 

Original photo by Pat Hensley

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