Monday, August 4, 2008

Podcast Episode #1

Here is my first venture into Podcasting! This is the first episode of the Successful Teaching podcast and I give an introduction of what I hope to accomplish with these podcasts and even a personal story of the first day of my teaching career. Hope you enjoy it!

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Music credit: Day of Reckoning by Amy Martin


Cathy Jo Nelson said...

You are so brave! I've ventured into podcasting a couple of times, but I always wind up being a "podfader" (one who does not stick with it.) I guess I do have my downside. Sigh. God luck, and I'll be sure to plug your podcast.

loonyhiker said...

cathy: thanks for the kind words. It is scary for me because I really don't like the sound of my voice but I guess I'll get used to it.