Sunday, August 18, 2024

Yesterday’s Yarn Dyeing Adventure

Yesterday I decided it was time to dye some yarn. I’ve been wanting to dye yarn since March but due to unfortunate circumstances, I don’t have a kitchen. I finally decided I would try to dye yarn on my back deck so I found the electric portable stove that was in our camper. I gathered my supplies and worked outside. 

My main goal was to dye some speckled yarn for the Spector sweater that I wanted to make. I have 3 skeins that I needed but I wanted purple speckled yarn as the last skein I needed. It is for a KAL that starts in September. 

I also wanted to dye some yarn to make the Ghost Horses sweater and I have been looking for the right yarn for a year. I finally decided I might try to dye the yarn I wanted. 

It took most of the day because it seemed to take forever for my water to heat up but once that happened, the dyeing process went well. 

I also decided to dye some mini skeins with some dye that I hadn’t used before. I wasn’t sure of the exact color that the yarn would turn out. 

By the end of the day, I can say I was happy with all of the yarn! 

Today the yarn dried for me to take photos and share it here. 

Original photos by Pat Hensley

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