Friday, July 21, 2023

Useful Information In and Out of the Classroom 7/21/2023

Here are some interesting sites that I’ve found this week, thanks to my PLN. As a teacher, I feel we have to keep up to date concerning research in our field and current issues in the education system. I hope some of these inspire you, inform you, and even have you asking questions. Thank you for coming by and visiting!

Note: Each resource is labeled with a level and subject area to make it easier to use.

Levels: E: Elementary; M: Middle; H: High; G: General, all levels; SN: Special Needs; T: Teachers

Subject Areas: LA: Language Arts, English, Reading, Writing; M: Math; S: Science; Health; SS: Social Studies, Current Events; FA: Fine Arts; Music, Art, Drama; FL: Foreign Language; PE: Physical Ed; C: Career; A: All

Return of the Cat Mummy - “Return to life as a cat mummy & help save the pharaoh's journey of eternity” (L:E; SA: LA.SS)

Fact Check Explorer - “The Fact Check Tools consist of two tools: Fact Check Explorer and Fact Check Markup Tool. Both tools aim to facilitate the work of fact checkers, journalists and researchers. Google does not endorse or create any of these fact checks. If you disagree with one, please contact the website owner that published it.”(L:G; SA:A)

Some Like It Hot - “Learn about the science of hot wings—from the Scoville Scale to capsaicin we zero in on how our bodies react and process sensory information. Then, students test their sensory perception of temperature.” (L:G; SA:S)

Build a Solar Oven - “An engineering Design Challenge to design and build a solar box cooker, and test it out to see if it works well enough to make S ‘mores.” (L:M,H; SA:S)

Make Your Own Sundial - “Squeaks broke his watch! Luckily Jessi knows of a handy way to tell time, with a sundial!” (L:E; SA:S)

Original photo by Pat Hensley

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