Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Summer Learning Place 2018 Recap

Last week I finished teaching my special education class to teachers getting their Master’s Degree in Special Education. I run a monthlong program called Summer Learning Place where the teachers teach students with learning and behavior difficulties.

This was a fabulous class and I’m so glad that I got to work with this group of teachers.

They all were early every day, so attendance and punctuality were never a problem.

The group as a whole had great personalities and seemed to mesh together really well.

They were quick to give each other support and offer help without being asked.

They turned in their paperwork early so getting reports checked and approved was an easy process.

Paperwork was turned in with very minor errors.

Some of them even went above and beyond what I asked them in order to make this a great experience for the children.

All of the parents gave positive feedback.

I was very proud of this group of teachers!

I learned a lot of new things from my teachers and hopefully they learned from me. Also, I feel like I was able to give some good advice and suggestions that might help them in their classrooms.

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