Tuesday, November 19, 2019

This Too Will Pass

In Three kinds of ‘forever’ from Seth Godin's Blog , Seth Godin  states,

“Too often, we quit in the dip. Not because we can’t tolerate discomfort for an hour, a week or a month, but because we mistakenly believe that it might last forever.”

It is too easy to give up.

When the task is too hard, students want to give up and move on to something else.

When assembling something and it gets too frustrating to put together, people give up and get something else.

When friends have different viewpoints, rather than agree to disagree, they throw their friendship away.

When couples argue and disagree, rather than try to compromise and get along, they give up and find someone else.

When marriages get rough, rather than fighting to get it back on even keel, spouses give up and file for divorce.

People need to remember that this too will pass.

When the task is frustrating, don’t give up but take a break or get help. It might look differently from a different perspective.

When assembly feels impossible, look for a solution.

When friends believe in different things, embrace the uniqueness of your friend and honor their choice to have a differing viewpoint.

When couples don’t get along, find a common group to compromise on. Relationships are give and take and if people need to learn how to compromise.

If the marriage is rough, try to remember the love between you and fight for the marriage.

It is important that I teach my students that sometimes it is important to  fight for something harder when it feels easy to give up.

Nothing lasts forever. Not happiness or misery. This too will pass.

How do you teach perseverance? Please share.

Photo by Arwan Sutanto on Unsplash

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