Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Good Experiences

“Is your school making time for powerful learning experiences?”

I thought about the school experiences that I remember. I remember the experiences that caused the most hurt or the most fun. I remember the ones that made the most impact.

I wonder what my students will remember about my classes. Will I make a big enough impact on them in order for them to remember what I have taught them?

I should make sure that my lessons have a punch. Each and every lesson should be planned so I can make an impact.

My lessons should not just be mediocre. My lessons should not be just okay.

This made me think of the Geico commercials where they say that “Just okay” is not okay.

I need to take the time to plan each lesson carefully. I need to include in my plan a way to make an impact with each and every lesson.

I know this may take extra time but it will be worth it in the long run.

I also need to look outside of my classroom. Is the school environment giving the students a powerful learning experience? What can I do to help make the environment better for the students?

What are you doing to make your classroom and school a powerful learning experience? Please share.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

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