Wednesday, December 12, 2018

H is for Happy

During this holiday season, I thought it would be fun to use the word Christmas and apply it to education.

Today’s letter is H and H stands for happy.

If you decide to teach, you need to be happy. You won’t be happy all of the time, but you need to make sure you are doing this for all the right reasons.

If you are doing it for a lot of money, you will never be happy.

If you are doing it because you think you are smarter than anyone else, you will never be happy.

If you believe that you can make a difference in someone’s life, you will end up feeling happy.

Students know when you are not happy doing what you are doing. I’m not saying that you need to smile and be happy every day but if you are happy, you will feel content and satisfied with your choice of profession.

Those who are not happy doing what they are doing become bitter, angry, and end up being very incompetent. They become incompetent because they don’t care. They don’t take pride in what they are doing. They don’t care if what they are doing is right or not. This is not the teacher I would want my children to have to see every day.

I know I will have good days and I will have bad days but hopefully, the good days outweigh the bad. Those good days make all the bad days worthwhile. I will learn from my bad days and they become learning opportunities instead of failures.

My students will show appreciation and that will warm my heart. These simple words of appreciation can quickly make me feel happy.

The smile on my students faces when they finally understand something that they struggled with is enough to make me feel happy.

These happy times help me get through the rough patches.

What makes you happy in your classroom? Please share.

Photo by Evelyn on Unsplash

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