Monday, October 23, 2017

Back of the Book Blurb #81 Challenge

From Sioux's PageSioux offers this challenge.

She posts a picture and you need to imagine it as a graphic for a book. You choose the genre and book title, and then write a blurb that might appear on the back of the book.

The blurb should be 150 words or less (not including the title). The genre is wide-open.
Each blogger should include their blurb on their own blog, and link back to this post. Have fun with it. Go to the other posts and comment on the other blurbs.  You can do fancy techy things with the photo.

(Join in if you dare...! It sounds like fun! I think this would be a lot of fun to do with students especially since they would be expected to write 150 words or less!)

A New Fashion Trend

Judy started on a new diet before her college reunion. When she heard about this new Keto Diet, she knew it was for her. By going on this diet, she planned to show up looking like a movie star!

First, she had to go shopping for lots of meats and fats. She didn’t plan on eating many carbs which was going to be hard for her. No more sweet cakes. No more pasta. No more potatoes! Oh well, she would have them again after she lost her 50 lbs.!

To celebrate, she was going to get a whole new wardrobe and advertise about her new diet. When she couldn’t find the perfect hat, she decided to make her own. Maybe she could even make some outfits like her hat! When her imagination started flowing, she started imagining all the money she could make on this new fashion! (147 words)

1 comment:

Sioux Roslawski said...

Pat--I wonder how many people will want to buy Judy's designs. It certainly is not appealing, in my opinion.

Thanks for playing along.