Monday, October 2, 2017

Back of the Book Blurb #78 Challenge

From Sioux's PageSioux offers this challenge.

She posts a picture and you need to imagine it as a graphic for a book. You choose the genre and book title, and then write a blurb that might appear on the back of the book.

The blurb should be 150 words or less (not including the title). The genre is wide-open.
Each blogger should include their blurb on their own blog, and link back to this post. Have fun with it. Go to the other posts and comment on the other blurbs.  You can do fancy techy things with the photo.

(Join in if you dare...! It sounds like fun! I think this would be a lot of fun to do with students especially since they would be expected to write 150 words or less!)

A New Life

Where was the adoring crowds? Surely everyone knew his grandfather, Morris the Cat and the lucrative acting career he had?

Morris’s owner had an ironclad contract that kept Morris and his descendants rolling in the dough forever. All royalties and monies were passed on to each generation so they never wanted for anything and would be taken care of forever.

Junior’s caretaker decided that Junior was too spoiled and needed to leave LA to move to the wilds of Kentucky.

The motor coach drove into this sleepy country town and the streets were empty. Where was the red carpet and the fancy hotel? Surely, they didn’t expect Junior to sleep outside! How was Junior going to live in a place that didn’t take care of his creature comforts?

The doors opened and Junior tentatively walked down the steps.

Will Junior adapt to a new life in the country? (148 words)


Sioux Roslawski said...

Pat--It's funny that your blurb focused on a descendant of Morris the Cat, and I mentioned him in my post.

Thanks for playing along. (Val likes having at least one playmate. ;)

Val said...

Gotta have a playmate! And I, too, used icon Morris, as a reviewer.

I hope Junior isn't too finicky. Now that he's in Kentucky, he might have to lower some standards. No offense to Kentuckians, of course. Like I'm sitting all high and mighty here in Missouri!