Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

ThanksgivingToday is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. There are parades on TV and in many towns. Homes are filled with family and lots of food. It is a time for rejoicing and being thankful for our many blessings so I wanted to share with you some blessings that I am thankful for.

1. My husband and the love he fills my life with.

2. Our family.

3. Our health

4. Our friends

5. Nature, the earth, water

6. My hobbies (gardening, reading, knitting, hiking)

7. My ability to read, write, and learn

8. My five senses

9. Our house and all of the things in it.

10. Our Prius

11. Our treadmill

12. Our hot tub

13. My camera

14. My laptop

15. My internet

16. My Droid cell phone

17. Skype

18. Our public library

19. Our doctors

20. Heat and Air Conditioning

What are you thankful for?

Posted on the Successful Teaching Blog by loonyhiker (successfulteaching at gmail dot com).

Image: 'Thanks for My Flickr Friends!'

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