Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 20 Flickr

photography On the Free Technology for Teachers Facebook, the twenty day blogging challenge created by Kelly Hines was mentioned and I decided to give it a shot. This is the last prompt for this challenge and I’ve really enjoyed how it made me think about what I read and what I do. So here is the challenge for today:

“What is a website that you can’t live without? Tell about your favorite features and how you use it in your teaching and learning.”

A website that I have used constantly over the past few years is Flickr.

I love taking photos and sharing it with others. For a long time I used the free account with Flickr but then I loaded so many photos that I had to buy the pro account and I’m not sorry that I did. I belong to several different interest groups so the pictures I take may not be of interest to everyone. I like to load my photos into sets and then share the link to that particular set to a certain group.

I also like doing the Photo a Day project and belonging to a couple of groups on Flickr for this. There are some prompts that help me focus in on a specific skill to practice my photography.

I also like looking at the photos for ideas on how to take better photographs. I still need a lot of practice on taking photos from different angles and perspectives.

I also like seeing comments that people make on my photos. They sometimes tell me they like it or can even give me suggestions on how to take it a different way. I like how this site is interactive about the photos.
I can see me continuing to use this site for many years so I hope they never shut it down!
What website can you not live without? Please share!

Image: 'untitled'
Found on flickrcc.net

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