Another session at the SCCEC conference was “Providing Auditory Access to Textual Materials Through State-of-the-Art Digital Recordings by Mike Skinner and Beth Thornburg. They share their website: The RFB&D® Learning Through Listening® Support Center (“Supported by a private grant, the RFB&D® Learning Through Listening® Support Center at the College of Charleston provides information and training to local schools and agencies that help individuals with visual, learning or physical disabilities.”) Applications and Links to needed sites are all located in this one place.
I remember years ago getting this for my student with a learning disability. There was a big green machine and the tapes were big and green. Was I surprised to see how portable and normal these materials have become. It is possible for the students to look like they are carrying a CD player now, depending on which tool they get. Please consider getting this for your students who qualify for this.
From the Presentation:
Disability categories that qualify for RFB&D (Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic) – blindness, visual impairment, physical impairment which affect the ability to manipulate a book. Learning Disability that impairs reading, traumatic brain injury.
RFB&D has over 61,000 recorded titles. It is easy to search for a book by title, author or both.
Hardware and Software info:
DAISY formatting (Daisy Accessible Information System Y (to make it a word)
Assistive Technology Tools: Cross Media Players, software, portable player, desktop player.
For Teacher Support: Learning Through Listening – gives lesson plans, graphic organizers and tips for managing RFB&D in your classroom
Supporting Research (from John Hopkins University, Rutgers University, Tufts University, and Baltimore City Public Schools System):
When students with print and learning disabilities use audio textbooks, they
· Improve reading comprehension (76%)
· Improve reading accuracy (52%)
· Increase reading rate (41%)
· Increase self confidence (61%)
Steps to Take to Utilize RFB&D:
1. Register your school
2. Encourage parents to sign up their qualified students with free, at home RFB&D memberships.
3. Identify students eligible to receive audio or electronic text accessible content.
4. Identify AIM titles and format required by your students
5. Search RFB&D’s online library of accessible content.
6. Order books
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
Contact Member service for membership info and general customer service questions:
Do you use these materials in your classroom? If so, please share your stories.
Posted on the Successful Teaching Blog by loonyhiker (successfulteaching at gmail dot com).
Original image: '10 June' by: Carolyn Williams
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