Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Antique Shopping

(Here is my write about about our trip from last week.)

Today we took a break from hiking and went shopping at antique malls. I had my knitting so I didn’t mind walking around hunting for things that I think Don might be interested in.

But before we went to the antique malls in Sevierville, we drove up to Buc-ees on I-40 and filled up with gas. It was .50 cheaper per gallon than in Gatlinburg. After that, we stopped at Bass Pro Shop and bought Don some new shorts. We decided to stop at Arby’s for a snack before going shopping which was a good plan because we shopped for almost 5 hours!

Don found some paper treasures and I found a music book.

On the way back, we took the scenic route by the arts and crafts community.

For dinner, we had pasta and sauce and just relaxed.

Original photos by Pat Hensley

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