Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Holiday Visitors

It is always fun to have holiday visitors and there is an urge to do all the things all of the time. But it is important to take a step back and include some downtime in the visit. Take time to just enjoy your visitors and relax.

Whenever I have visitors for the holidays, I’m usually bustling around trying to get the house cleaned and organized for the visit. By the time the visitors come, I’m a little worn out! I try to take an hour or two before they arrive to just rest and relax.

Once the visitors arrive, it is go, go, go, all of the time. We want to show them our favorite places and our favorite places to eat. Listening to their expectations, we also want to do the things they want to do too. Plus, it takes patience to make a whole group of people happy so making decisions can be a little challenging.

All this adrenaline rush and stress can be tiring for everyone!

By taking a little time each day to just sit and relax and visit, will help everyone recharge. Encourage those that need a little nap, to take it. I usually pull out my knitting to help me relax but others might like to read or play games on their phones,

If you are a holiday visitor, offer to do some chores for the host. It might involve taking out the trash or doing the dishes. Try to remember that you are disrupting their daily routine so try to find out what the routine is early in the visit.

I love holiday visitors but I need to remember that the time with my visitors needs to be cherished. If I’m too tired or stressed, it is hard to enjoy our time together.

How do you deal with the stress of holiday visitors? Please share.

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

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